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Last Updated:
10/8/2023 6:04 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Little Ms. Diva Kaitlyn was adopted by Nanette and family on 3-14-13. This was a fantastic adoption. Kaitlyn is 6-1/2 years old and I've had her since she was a kitten. She is beautiful and adorable and I never could figure out why she never got adopted. Nanette says Kaitlyn is doing great. She likes to lay between people when they're in bed and sleeps with Nanette at night. Kaitlyn hangs out with daughter Rachel when she's working on the computer. Just a few days after they adopted Kaitlyn, she was trying to catch a mosquito hawk in the house. Sounds like she was pretty comfortable. Kaitlyn is enjoying being queen of the house. Kaitlyn never liked other cats and is really loving being the only cat! Thanks so much, Nanette and family, for giving Kaitlyn that dream home she's always wanted!