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Last Updated:
1/31/2025 11:33 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Little Snickerdoodle is one happy and lucky kitten. He was rescued right before the freezing weather in Huntsville at a Whataburger where he was starving. Within just a few weeks of that rescue, he was adopted by Mary and Michael on 2-13-10. Michael had had to put his cat Harley down, who was black. Now Snickerdoodle is displaying some traits that Harley had, which is pretty wild. Snickerdoodle loves his new home and has made himself at home. He loves Mary and Michael and also their twin girls, Taylor and Emily. Snickerdoodle even accidentally locked himself in the bathroom. He closed the bathroom door and pulled out a drawer somehow, and they couldn't get the door open because the drawer was blocking the way. Silly Snickerdoodle! They did get him out. He's also making pretty good friends with Sylvester, their 16-year-old cat. Baby Girl, their other cat, has stopped hissing and is now being kind of cautious. There were several of us involved in Snickerdoodle's rescue, and we're all so, so happy for sweet Snickerdoodle, who probably would not have survived the really cold weather.