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Houston, TX 77213
(713) 453-8621
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Last Updated:
1/31/2025 11:33 PM


Message From: (Private) January 30, 2011

Message From: December 16, 2009
We have visited your website. We liked it very much. Keep up the good work. Thanks

Message From: Lisa October 23, 2009
Hi, this is Emily's new aunt. I am so happy that Emily came into my sister Jennifer's life. It is so ironic that my sister's beloved PJ and Emily have the same markings. Also, she once had a dog (early 1990s) named Emily. It just seems like it was meant to be!

Message From: Laureen Falco October 21, 2008
Mary Kay, Your committment to cat rescue is amazing. After having 3 cats of my own, did I realize how loving these wonderful animals are. I'm grateful to know someone as dedicated & loving as you!

Message From: Barbara July 14, 2008
Mary Kay, One of your other guests had written about how our pets love us unconditionally; but you, through your loving concern and commitment to the rescue and adoptions, love them unconditionally as well. I know there is no better person to help these temporary orphans find a loving home.

Message From: Deana Ammann, Cat Spring, Texas July 7, 2008
We are very thankful for the three cats you placed with us. They are a wonderful addition to our family and I think they are loving their lives of adventure and security on the farm. Thanks for all your hard work!

Message From: Lou Ann July 5, 2008
Great website and a great job of rescuing cats Love Todd & Lou Ann

Message From: Tim July 2, 2008
Mary Kay, this site is truly touching. I just can't stand the thought of ANY animal being abused, when their one mission in life is to love their owner unconditionally. God bless you for caring.