First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Where do you work
Spouse/Partner Name
Spouse/Partner Age
Spouse/Partner Occupation
Where does your Spouse/Partner work
Are there children in the home* Choose one: Yes No
Please indicate names and ages of all others living in the home (children, other adults, etc.)*
Cat you are interested in adopting* Choose an animal: Astrid Ava Brooke Duke Kapriee Max Sissy Stella Taco
Is anyone in the household allergic to cats* Choose one: Yes No
What type of dwelling* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, is there a pet deposit Choose one: Yes No
If yes, have you already paid the pet deposit Choose one: Yes No
If you rent, please give us your landlord's phone number
If you rent, do you have your landlord's approval to have an animal Choose one: Yes No
Cats for Life is dedicated to good matchmaking, and we want to identify potential problems before they arise. It may be traumatic for some cats to transition from one home to another. We want to be as sure as possible that the match we make is a good one and has every chance of working well from the beginning. Tell us about your current pets. Include the name, species, breed, age, time owned and if they are spay/neutered
Are all your pets current on their vaccinations Choose one: Yes No
Are any of your current cats declawed Choose one: Yes No
Are current cats indoor, outdoor, or indoor/outdoor Choose one: Indoors and Outdoors Outdoors Only Indoors Only
Would you prefer to adopt an indoor-only cat or an outdoor-access cat* Choose one: Indoors and Outdoors Outdoors Only Indoors Only
How many hours during the day will your new cat be inside*
Does your home have a pet door* Choose one: Yes No
Please tell us about your past pets. Include species, breed, age, sex, neutered/spayed, inside or outside, time owned, where you got them and what happened to them*
Have you ever given up a pet* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please explain
Do you have a regular veterinarian* Choose one: Yes No
What is your veterinary clinic or vet's name
May we contact your vet Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please provide the phone number
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time*
For whom are you adopting the cat
Who will be responsible for care*
Where will your cat sleep at night*
Are there some areas of the house that are cat-free zones* Choose one: Yes No
Will your cat be allowed on the furniture* Choose one: Yes No
What circumstances might prompt you to declaw your cat*
How would you locate your pet should it be lost*
If unforeseen circumstances caused you to move somewhere where you couldn’t take your cat, what would you do*
Have you ever had an animal with severe medical problems* Choose one: Yes No
If your new cat develops severe medical problems, how would you handle it*
How will your family provide for the care of your cat during vacations*
What type of behaviors do you find inappropriate in a cat*
Financial concerns: Cats for Life strongly recommends a yearly checkup for most cats; twice a year for cats with medical issues. In addition to the checkup, vaccinations may be appropriate, as well as treatment for illness or injury. The average cost to provide proper care for a cat annually is $250. Are you prepared to spend $250 annually to provide for your cat’s medical needs* Choose one: Yes No
How did you hear about us*
Do you agree that by submitting this for m you certify that the information is true and complete and you understand that the application is the property of Cats for Life* Choose one: Yes No
List at least one reference (who is not a family member)*