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Last Updated:
1/31/2025 11:33 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Sweet baby boy Socks was adopted by Betty and Hal on 9-26-10. Betty says Socks is just precious and has adapted so well. When Betty says, "Let's go night-night" or "Let's go take a nap," Socks just goes running with her to the bedroom. She says Socks is such a Snuggler. Socks sleeps between Hal's legs while Hal is in his recliner and props his head on Hal's stomach. Socks purrs softly and meows when he's looking for them. He runs and plays in the house with his toys. Betty says, "We just totally adore him." Betty and Hal had to put their 14-year-old kitty down on 9-13, which was totally traumatizing to them. Betty says, "Socks rescued two humans." So glad Socks rescued Betty and Hal and that Betty and Hal rescued Socks. I am so, so happy for all concerned!!