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Last Updated:
1/31/2025 11:33 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Teddy was adopted by Zyria and son on 3-30-13. Teddy hid for about a day and then was just fine. Zyria says Teddy follows her around, which she loves. She said he likes to be where everybody else is. But when you're not supposed to be there, he kind of knows it, and once he realizes no big action is going to happen, he'll slip off to take a nap. He gets along very well with Zyria's son also. Teddy usually gets in the bed with Zyria about midnight and sleeps right next to her. He also like for her to carry him around the house. And he likes his laser light, but he really loves his feather toy! Thanks so much, Zyria, for giving Teddy such a loving, wonderful home. We're so grateful!