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Last Updated:
11/27/2024 6:22 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Sean was adopted by a wonderful man named Adrian. He was actually the second Cats for Life cat that was adopted by Adrian. The first was Jade, who never had a chance to get on the website. Adrian really loves kitties, and after he had Jade for a couple of months he adopted Sean. Jade and Sean have not yet become fast friends because Jade is kind of a lone cat, but Mary Kay knew that Adrian would give Sean also a wonderful home and lots more love and attention than she was able to give to both Jade and Sean with the multiple cats in her home. Sean and Jade LOVE the love and attention they receive from Adrian. Adrian lost his beloved kitty to cancer when she was 13 years old, and he was heartbroken. Mary Kay has never seen a more dedicated cat owner than Adrian, and she is so happy with her decision to adopt two of her beloved kitties to him. Thanks, Adrian, for taking in two former homeless kitty cats! Mary Kay, Jade and Sean are extremely grateful!