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1/31/2025 11:33 PM

Animal Success Stories
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Jackson was adopted by Alahnna in April, 2011. Jackson was a little nervous at first, but he is now perfectly at home being his silly self. He lays on his back purring and talks and talks, Alahnna says. Alahnna has had to start hiding her sandwiches because Jackson will put his paws inside the sandwich to get the food. He really likes bread also. You have to hide the bread. He will take the bread and hide it. Alahnna carries him around and gives him kisses on the head. Jackson sleeps with Alahnna every night and loves to snuggle under the covers. When she came home one day, she found Jackson asleep on her apartment mate's chest on the couch. One night she had a friend sleep over, and Alahnna found Jackson sleeping on her chest. That Jackson is a people lover! Thanks, Alahnna, for giving Jackson such a good home. He's getting all the attention he's always craved.


Jeremy was adopted by Joe and Jenni on 2-26-11. Joe says Jeremy is doing really well. He says that Luna, their Jeremy look-alike cat, and Jeremy are fast friends and sleep together and also play, play, play at night. He gives their older cat the "what for" and pounces on him. Jeremy also gives the dogs the "what for." All the kitties are getting along really well. Jeremy wants to be pet but on his own terms. So glad Jeremy got such a wonderful home and family and kitty cats to play with!


Juanita was adopted by Ryan and Evan on 2-14-11. It sure sounds like Juanita is in heaven. Ryan says she's fabulous. She is extremely playful, relaxed and calm now after a few days of nervousness in the transition. She loves to play with a feather teaser and catnip toys and loves to be on top of the kitty castle. Ryan says she never ceases to show affection and is always purring. She also sleeps with Ryan and Evan. She also loves to have her belly scratched, which I sure didn't know because I didn't have enough attention to go around here! Juanita and Ryan and Evan's other kitty, Saskatoon, are not fast friends yet, but we hope in the future they will be. Juanita has chased Saskatoon a couple of times trying to play, but Saskatoon just isn't quite ready yet. Robin, who cleans the condos at Katy Petco, was talking to Ryan the other day when Ryan came to get Juanita a collar. She told Ryan that Juanita had been in the condo a couple of times before. Ryan couldn't believe Juanita didn't get adopted before and felt that it was just meant to be that Juanita would come into their family. Ryan and Evan just can't sing their praises enough about Juanita. Oh, and by the way, Evan says that Juanita loves to watch the Discovery channel with him! How funny is that? I'm so happy Juanita has such a wonderful and loving home. She hit the jackpot!


This is what Corrinn and Vernon have to say about their new baby: "We adopted our new kitten, Madeleine A. Davis-Perry ('Maddy') on August 28, 2010, and we couldn't be happier about the love that she has brought to our family. She is the perfect companion for us and for our 6-year-old cat Emmy (aka Boo). It sealed the deal when we were visiting her at Petco with Mary Kay and, in the middle of playing with a feather toy, Madeleine fell asleep in Vernon's lap. (We were both officially in love with her from that moment!) Maddy has a big personality and is vocal, loving and insatiably playful. She will play until she literally falls asleep, and we've seen this multiple times. She is also a natural hunter and will stalk and hunt down practically anything that moves - even inanimate objects (especially feathers, tissue paper, sticky notes and skittles). When she isn't playing, she is a lap kitty who enjoys being showered with attention, and that is exactly what we wanted; she is a perfect complement to Emmy. We love that Maddy checks out the house and checks on us every night as if she has to make sure at 3:00 a.m. both of her parents are still alive and able to scratch her head! It has been a dream to see Emmy and Maddy playing (and play-fighting) together, and nothing makes us happier than seeing the two of them sleeping next to one another on one of their kitty trees. We couldn't be more grateful to Mary Kay and Cats for Life for making our Madeleine part of their family before we could make her part of ours. We love our kitties!" Thanks, Corrinn and Vernon, for being such wonderful and loving kitty parents!


Jesse was adopted by Bobby on 9-18-10. Well, Bobby is crazy about Jesse. Jesse has slept with Bobby since the first night he adopted him. Jesse also follows him around and even follows him to the shower! Bobby says Jesse is just his second shadow. Jesse runs and jumps at the ceiling fan chains and is having a bunch of fun! Bobby says Jesse sits like a kangaroo and looks in the mirror. Jesse found his perfect home and Bobby found the perfect cat. We're so happy for both of them!

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